Regex Essentials

Regex Essentials

2020, Sep 09    

Regex Essentials

Regex, short for Regular Expressions, is a powerful tool for pattern matching and text manipulation. It’s widely used in programming, data extraction, and text processing tasks. In this guide, we’ll explore essential regex components, including anchors, quantifiers, character classes, flags, grouping, and the often-mysterious \b word boundary.


  1. ^: The Beginning Anchor

    The ^ symbol matches the beginning of a line or string.

  2. $ : - The End Anchor

    The $ symbol matches the end of a line or string.

Example : ^The end$ : matches “The end”


  1. * : Zero or More Occurrences

    This matches zero or more occurrences

  2. + : One or More Occurrences

    This matches one or more occurrences

  3. ? : Zero or One Occurrence

    This matched zero or one occurence

  4. {number} : Specific Number of Occurrences

    This matches “number” of times occurenes

  5. {number, } : “Number” or More Occurrences

    This matches “number” of times to more occurenes

  6. {number1, number2} : Range of Occurrences

    This matches “number1” of times to “number2” of times occurenes

  7. (text) : Grouping

    followed by “text”

OR operator

  1. | or []: Alternation

    1. a(b|c)
      • This matches a followed by b or c
    2. a[bc]
      • This matches a followed by b or c

Character classes

  1. \d : Digit

    matches a single digit

  2. \w : Word Character

    matches a word character including underscore

  3. \s : Whitespace

    matches a whitespace character, tabs, line breaks

  4. . : Any Character

    matches any character

    1. \D, \W, \S are there as their negations.
    2. To match special characters like : ^, $, *, +, ?, (, ), {, |, }, [, ] you need to escape them with a \.


Regex patterns typically appear between / symbols and can have flags at the end:

  1. /g (global): Continues matching after the first match, restarting the search.
  2. /m (multi-line): Matches the start and end of lines with ‘^’ and ‘$’.
  3. /i (insensitive): Makes the expression case-insensitive.


  1. (): Capturing Group

    this creates a capturing group.

  2. ?: inside the patantesis ex: (?:chars)

    this disables the capturing group

  3. ?<name> : Named Group

    this puts a name to the group

    * (zero or more occurrences), + (one or more occurrences), and {} are called greedy operatoers as they match as far as then can.

\btext\b : Word Boundaries

  1. \btext\b acts as a boundary matcher, similar to ^ and $, ensuring precise word-based matches.

Regex is a versatile tool that can greatly simplify text manipulation tasks. Understanding these fundamental regex elements will empower you to leverage its capabilities effectively.